

“It’s easy. You can do it by yourself, or with a bunch of trusted comrades. You don’t need to have great means or technical competance. The capital is vulnerable, if you are determined to attack.”

-Alfredo Bonnano.

And, by way of not being misunderstood and as a parallel,

Paper darts intro

In this life we are forced into our heads are not born bowed. Our wrists were not programmed before our existences to sift through screws and are fingers not to push buttons. Our mouths were not designed to exclusively say yes, to manipulate or to bark orders at each other.

Instead, we painstakingly are trained for this, at the threat of the imprisonment of our families or a lifelong refusal of the basic substances of physical existence. In this training we are bleached of any characteristic remotely challenging to normality, which means an existence based on your productive value, divided between those sentenced to a life of commodity and those sentenced to cajole them. Ultimately, it is a normalcy based upon the baton and the bullet, whether or not that is the millions dead in the congo so that your instagram feed can have the minerals for its circuits, or the family pushed out on the street by baillliffs for the stock market.

The laboratories for this normalcy are the school and the university, where a child is taught how to sit in a row so they can find their place in the assembly line, and a youth is taught how not to say what they mean so that their humanity or others will never be an obstacle. Every moment of insistence upon a personal understanding of truth, every moment of an individual sense of the valuable, moral or beautiful higher than the collective sense, is dismantled through a highly precise empirical system honed through centuries of trail and error, before through the direct intervention of the armed teacher, now through a violence dependent on the police officer or psychiatric warden behind the veil. A school and a university requires a finished product as exact as one honed through a mechanical lathe, and which bears as much resemblance to a human being as a carved object would a living tree.

For this reason we have created this forum for the announcement of mass refusal to become normal. We cannot seek to maintain this destruction of the human being by wishing for a lesser normalisation. Instead, the school and the university must be destroyed without recourse to any other institution which achieves the same results but is somehow lesser or more polite. Institutions depend on the regimented existence, and the bricks must shake loose from the wall. And not by asking the bricklayer, but by the hammer’s knock.

How we put stuff out and how to submit stuff to us

Partly a legal disclaimer.

We publish nothing ourselves. There is no editorship. We receive communiques you send to us, and reproduce them FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. (We are not responsible for what the content of the website says, and posts should not be considered an endorsement of a particular view!!) Our only requirements are that we don’t understand what you are saying to have a statist or pro-institutional line, including one that wishes for a better institution. This is a place for conflict, or rather, for information about conflict (leaks, relevant extracts from the mainstream media, and antireports are also welcome)

You can submit what you like to us at, and we should be able to have non-email based methods of submission up soon.